- boundary-rider
- MT объездчик, следящий за исправностью изгородей
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
Boundary rider — A boundary rider is a term used in the Australian Football League as well as other field sports to denote a commentator who works from the sidelines of the field or boundary . It is a recent extension of the far earlier, Australian use of the… … Wikipedia
boundary rider — noun Australia : one that rides around the boundaries of a station and keeps the fences in order * * * n. Australian. a ranch hand who patrols the boundary of a sheep or cattle station in order to watch the stock, repair fences, etc. [1860 65] *… … Useful english dictionary
boundary rider — n. Australian. a ranch hand who patrols the boundary of a sheep or cattle station in order to watch the stock, repair fences, etc. [1860 65] * * * … Universalium
boundary rider — noun A commentator, especially one who makes a living reporting on Australian rules football games from the sidelines or boundary of the field of play … Wiktionary
boundary rider — /ˈbaʊndri raɪdə/ (say bowndree ruyduh) noun 1. a station hand who rides repeatedly around the boundaries keeping fences in good order and preventing stock from straying. 2. Australian Rules a commentator whose position is at the side of the field …
boundary-rider — adjective noun … Wiktionary
boundary — n. (pl. ies) 1 a line marking the limits of an area, territory, etc. (the fence is the boundary; boundary between liberty and licence). 2 Cricket a hit crossing the limits of the field, scoring 4 or 6 runs. Phrases and idioms: boundary layer the… … Useful english dictionary
boundary-ride — /ˈbaʊndri raɪd/ (say bowndree ruyd) verb (i) 1. to ride round the boundaries of a property working as a boundary rider. –verb (t) 2. to boundary ride (a specified area): to boundary ride the paddock …
As useful as a sore arse to a boundary rider — absolutely useless … Dictionary of Australian slang
as useful as a sore arse to a boundary rider — Australian Slang absolutely useless … English dialects glossary
Alaskan Boundary Dispute — (1896–1903) A Canadian American dispute arising from the discovery of gold in the Klondike region in August 1896. The Canadian government unearthed the Anglo Russian treaty of 1825, upon which the Russian American Treaty of 1867 was based, to… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914